Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ac ligula commodo, molestie lorem eget, pretium felis. Nullam sed ex justo. Cras vel iaculis arcu. Donec dignissim nec turpis eu cursus. Etiam sit amet elit in dolor eleifend dapibus. Nunc porttitor metus consectetur ipsum iaculis facilisis. Vestibulum sit amet nibh et libero consectetur interdum. Aliquam hendrerit sem condimentum lorem vestibulum, ac fringilla elit malesuada. Nullam ultricies fringilla quam a posuere. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque sollicitudin orci ac ultrices porta. Quisque sit amet sodales ligula. Fusce at est lorem.

art classes

Get messy!

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work with me

one-on-one creativity mentorships

Rediscover imagination. Get focused. Find flow.

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art making

intutive painting
clay play
surrealist collage

inner journeying

journaling exercises
creative visualization


design for select clients
who want to redo/refresh
their personal branding

reiki sessions

Move energy.

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book a session with me